● 吉林一号卫星助力非洲多国洪灾救援 2023年3月以来,非洲中部地区遭遇持续性强降雨天气并引发洪涝灾害,造成肯尼亚、卢旺达、索马里等国重大人员伤亡和财产损失。应联合国训练研究所(UNITAR)请求,国家遥感中心(GEO中国秘书处)先后启动针对上述国家的灾害应急响应,长光卫星技术股份有限公司迅速统筹调度“吉林一号”系列卫星资源,分25批... 2023-06-05
● Preliminary Satellite-derived Damage Assessment in Wilaya of Guelma and Batna, 31 May 2023 Status: No major damage and no major flood observed Further action(s): Completed. 2023-05-31
● Satellite detected water over Beledweyne City, Hiraan Region of Somalia as of 25 May 2023 This map illustrates the cumulative satellite-detected water affected sectors of Beledweyne City in Hiiran Region, Somalia as detected from the analys... 2023-05-25
● Satellite detected water extent over Dagahaley Refugee Camp This map illustrates satellite detected surface waters in Dagahaley Refugee Camp, Dadaab sub-county, Garissa county, Kenya as observed from a Sentinel... 2023-03-26
● 卫星目击塔吉克斯坦7.2级地震 吉林一号卫星在地震发生前后,连续两天的持续拍摄为塔吉克斯坦地震灾害评估提供了重要参考依据。下图为吉林一号卫星分别于2023年2月22日(地震前)和2023年2月23日(地震后)拍摄的震中位置(北纬37.98度,东经73.29度)附近的雪山群。 2023-02-25