【JILIN CHINA 】-Watching the World Cup through the eye of 'Jilin-1'

2018-06-14 | MEDIA REPORTS    Browsing Times : 2736

A set of high-definition satellite remote sensing images of Russian World Cup competition venues including Luzhniki Stadium, Rostov Arena, Nizhny Novgorod Stadium and nine other venues, were released on June 12.

These pictures were photographed by "Jilin-1" Satellite which was developed by Chang Guang Satellite Technology.

This is the first time for the company to raise the curtain of the World Cup for football fans via satellite images.

Luzhniki Stadium photographed by Jilin-1 satellite [Photo provided to ejilin.gov.cn]

As an advanced and large-scale commercial remote sensing satellite constellation in China, "Jilin-1" Satellite is characterized by high time resolution, high space resolution and high spectral resolution with 10 satellites running in orbit.

It can be widely used in hot spot tracking, emergency response, national territory survey land mapping and related intelligence industries and is of great significance for promoting the informatization construction of remote sensing in China.

Nizhny Novgorod Stadium photographed by Jilin-1 satellite [Photo provided to ejilin.gov.cn]