CGSTL and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement

2020-06-09 | COMPANY NEWS    Browsing Times : 1842


On June 9, 2020, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation agreement between CGSTL and Huawei was held in Shenzhen, China. Hou Jinlong, President of Huawei Cloud & Computing BG, Xia Guohuan, general Manager of Huawei Jilin, Xuan Ming, chairman and general manager of CGSTL and Wang Dong, deputy general manager of CGSTL were present at the signing ceremony.

At the signing ceremony, Xuan Ming pointed out that CGSTL and Huawei have a good foundation for cooperation. CGSTL is currently accelerating the construction of Jilin-1 satellite constellation. Sixteen satellites have been successfully launched. A number of technical indicators and functional models of the satellites in the world's leading level. CGSTL will work with Huawei to integrate satellite big data with cloud, AI, 5G and other high and new technologies, promote product innovation through key technology upgrading, and jointly explore new market situation.

Hou Jinlong, President of Huawei Cloud and Computing BG, said that in recent years, Huawei has focused on improving its ability in remote sensing information processing, and the information technology has been widely recognized by the industry. Hou Jinlong stressed that Huawei will increase power CGSTL remote sensing data and application of the information level of the product. Huawei will work with CGSTL to build a more intelligent, convenient and accurate satellite remote sensing service system to promote the wide application of satellite remote sensing in agricultural and forestry production, environmental monitoring, smart city, geographical mapping, land planning and other fields.

The signing of the contract between CGSTL and Huawei will be conducive to accelerating the construction of digital, information-based and intelligent satellite remote sensing application technology system, which will vigorously drive the innovation and service upgrade of satellite remote sensing application products, create industry-leading technologies and products, and promote the rapid development of satellite remote sensing big data industry.