
2018-08-10 | DAILY IMAGE     Browsing Times : 2145

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Located in heilongjiang province of China, jixi is one of the major cities in northeast China, the largest coal city in northeast China and a comprehensive industrial city with a history of 100 years. Jixi is an important coal base and production site of graphite in China. It is an industrial city with coal as the main part, and it is also engaged in machinery, equipment manufacturing, metallurgy, electric power, chemical industry, building materials and other categories, with the title of "capital of graphite of China".

Jihu expressway refers to the expressway from jixi to hulin in heilongjiang province, which runs through the whole territory of jixi and is an important part of the ring expressway network in eastern heilongjiang province. The main line of the jihu highway is 181.7 kilometers, and the auxiliary road is 111 kilometers. There are 10 interconnected areas and 3 service areas.