
2018-09-11 | DAILY IMAGE     Browsing Times : 2531

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Bordeaux, an important industrial and commercial city in south-west France, is also the centre of the region's politics, economy, culture, transport and education. Bordeaux is Europe's military, aerospace research and manufacturing center, and the heart of France's strategic nuclear bomb research and physical experiments, with many high-end technology institutions such as the atomic energy research center and the mega laser program.

The garong river is a river in southwest Europe that runs through France and Spain. Originating from the pyrenees mountain in central Spain, it flows into the Atlantic ocean along the mouth of the gironde river. In addition to the 72km long gironde estuary, the garong river is 575km long. The source is a glacier in the northeast Spanish region of aragorn at an elevation of more than 3,000 meters.