
2018-07-24 | DAILY IMAGE     Browsing Times : 2224

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Krasnodar, located in the southern part of Russia, is the capital and administrative center of the border region of Krasnodar, and is also the largest economic and cultural center in the Southern Federal border area of Russian Federation and the north Caucasus. Krasnodar is highly developed agriculture, continuously popularizing new technology and technology, and vigorously developing small and medium-sized enterprises. It is one of the best greening cities in Russia, with a total green area of 7515 hectares.

Krasnodal is known as the capital of the Kuban River because it is located on the right bank of the Kuban River. The Kuban River is the largest river in Russia's North Caucasus, with a total length of 906 kilometers and a basin area of 61,000 square kilometers. Its water is largely used to irrigate farmland.