【“Jilin-1” Views the World】Into the World of Famous Painters

2018-08-10 | VIEW THE WORLD     Browsing Times : 2954

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Many of the world's most famous paintings are from the European continent, the land has a lot of artists. Countries such as Italy, Spain and Belgium are cradles of art and home to artists.

This issue of "Jilin-1" leads us to walk into the palace of European art and visit the former residence of the world famous painter through hd satellite pictures.

Monet gardens

Monet was one of the most important painters in France, the founder of impressionism, and the most influential of the impressionist masters. Located in a small town 70 kilometers west of Paris, France, monet's former residence is divided into two parts: a water garden and a garden. The garden, also known as the Normandy park, is located in front of the house, rectangular, covering about one hectare; The water park is a man-made lake filled with water lilies. Monet is here to finish his famous "" water lilies" "series and" "bridge of Japan" "series.

Rembrandt's house

Rembrandt harmanson van lein is one of the greatest painters in Europe in the 17th century, and also the greatest painter in Dutch history. He is good at portrait painting, landscape painting, genre painting, religious painting, history painting and other fields. Most of Rembrandt's paintings, including more than 200 etchings, are on display here in the Dutch capital, Amsterdam, which was built in 1606.

Rubens' former residence

Peter Paul Rubens was a 17th century Flemish painter, an outstanding representative of early baroque art, and an envoy of the hapsburg empire in Spain. Rubens' former residence in Antwerp, Belgium, was built in 1610. It is a studio and residence built over 5 years. When Rubens lived there, he was often visited by European aristocrats and artists.

The museum of Michelangelo's former residence

Michelangelo bonarotti was one of the great painters, sculptors, architects and poets of the Italian Renaissance. He represented the highest peak of sculpture in the Renaissance. He was also known as the three masters of the Renaissance with Raphael and leonardo Da Vinci.
The Michelangelo museum in Florence, Italy, is owned by Michelangelo and built by his nephew. There are two early rooms named after Michelangelo's main work, "Madonna's staircase" and "battle of the centaurs."

Dali former residence museum

Salvador Dali is a famous Spanish painter. He is an artist with extraordinary talent and imagination. His works can mix weird dream-like images, excellent drawing techniques and techniques influenced by Renaissance masters. The museum of Dali's former residence is located in castaques, eastern Spain. It is one of the most famous leisure resorts in Spain. Salvador Dali lived there from 1930 to 1982, except for a brief period during the Spanish civil war.

Today, "Jilin-1" shows us the elegant demeanor of five famous painters and the place where they lived before they died. These temples full of artistic atmosphere gave birth to world-famous works.