【“Jilin-1” Views the World】Approach the city of sunshine - Brisbane

2018-09-07 | VIEW THE WORLD     Browsing Times : 2926

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Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and the third largest city in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne.
The sunshine coast on the north edge of Brisbane and the gold coast city on the south of the international tourist attraction have beautiful natural scenery and the climate of spring all year round. There are many botanical gardens and parks, such as queen's garden, Victoria park and koala zoo.

This column"Jilin-1" takes us to the sunshine city, appreciate here unique scenery and amorous feelings.

Atchfield airport

Atchfield airport is 12 kilometers south of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. During world war ii, archer field became an important military airfield for the royal Australian air force, the United States army air force, the royal Dutch east Indies army and the royal navy fleet air force. It was used as an raf base in Australia. Today archerfield is mainly used for civil aviation and is home to emergency services rescue helicopter flights.


A residential area in Brisbane's metropolitan area, about 28 kilometers northeast of Brisbane's central business district, Radcliffe is the central business district of the Radcliffe peninsula and its surrounding suburbs.
Radcliffe became Queensland's first colony in 1824. Every year, redcliff festival celebrates its history as Queensland's first European settlement.


Fishman island is an island in the Great Barrier Reef Marine park in Queensland, Australia. It is in temple bay, along with the neighbouring islands of baird, beasley and fama, making up the island's important bird habitat. Because it is a breeding ground for turtledoves and black pigeons, birdlife international lists the island as an important bird sanctuary.

A racetrack

The two racetracks photographed by"Jilin-1"are located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7 kilometers north of Brisbane's central business district in the suburb of ascot.
Australian horse racing is the third most popular sport in Australia, behind Australian football and cricket. It is understood that horseracing, with racing as its core, brings in amazing income and effectively drives economic development.

The sports center

Brisbane sports center is located in the suburb of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The sports center includes sports venues, football clubs, baseball clubs and other related institutions and facilities.
Australian football is very popular all over Australia. It is known as the "first sport", also known as Australian football. A ball game derived from Melbourne, Victoria, in the popular Australian style of football in the region, the game is referred to as "football".

Australia is surrounded by the sea with many unique animals, plants and natural landscapes. Many cities are named as the most suitable places to live in the world These are its labels.
In this issue, we see the unique charm of this Australian city in sports, transportation, ecological protection and other aspects from the perspective of "Jilin-1". We look forward to approaching the "sunshine city" together for leisure and vacation.